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Department of Registrar of Companies and Intellectual Property


Converting European trademark into national

Before converting

The applicant for European trademark or the beneficiary of a registered European trademark may request the conversion of his/hers application or registered European trademark, respectively, to an application for national trademark in one, more or all the member-states of the European Union.

The said conversion is allowed in the following cases:

  • refusal of application for European trademark registration by the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) in relation to absolute or relative grounds for refusal;
  • withdrawal of application for European trademark registration by the applicant;
  • withdrawal of European trademark application, meaning the class fees have not been paid within the relevant deadline of the application submission date, the European trademark registration ceases to be effective, due to:
    • valid waiver of registered European trademark, non-renewal of European trademark registration, declaration of European trademark registration as void by the EUIPO or the trademark court of the EU; or
    • the beneficiary of European trademark registration has been declared to have forfeited his/hers rights by the EUIPO or the trademark court of the EU, except in the case of revocation due to non-use.

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