Obtaining Certified Copies of an Industrial Design
You may request the issue of a certified copy for the following:
- a part of or the whole application;
- description of an industrial design or model;
- certificate of filing of an industrial design or model;
- certificate of renewal; and
- certificate of assignment.
It is noted that a certified copy shall reflect the status of an industrial designs or model based on the data registered in the Register at the date certificate issuance.
Submitting a request for certified copies
You may submit your request to obtaine certified copies by hand/post by submitting a letter and paying the corresponsive fee of seventeen euros and nine cents (€17,09) per certified copy. The fees are payable in cash, by cheque, via an account maintained with the Department of Registrar of Companies and Intellectual Property or via bank transfer.
Receipt of certified copies
The certified copies/certificates may be picked up according the submission request from a mail box, or via post.