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Department of Registrar of Companies and Intellectual Property
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Declaration of trademark invalidity

Submission of application for a declaration of invalidity

A trademark registered in breach with the provisions of the Law that concern absolute and relevant grounds for rejection of trademark registration, may be subject to procedure for declaration of invalidity and shall be invalidated, either in relation to the whole or part of the products or services for which it is registered.

The application for declaration of trademark invalidity is submitted to the Intellectual Property Section, through the trademark's e-filing system or by hand/post, by the application form for declaration of invalidity (form Ε.Σ 27), accompanied by the fee of three hundred and forty eight euros (€348).

The fee is payable in payable in cash, by cheque, through an account maintained with the Department of Registrar Companies and Intellectual Property or through bank transfer.

Provided, that the conditions for the filing of application are not met, the Section informs accordingly the applicant of omissions or irregularities and requests to proceed with corrections within two (2) months. In case of no timely compliance, the application for declaration of invalidity is dismissed.

If you are a registered user you may proceed with the electronic registration of the form, otherwise you must first obtain access to the obtain access to the electronic trademarks registration.





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